990 – version 2011

You may recall that last year, my service project was to assist Promise Helpers in the compilation of their accounting records so that the annual Form 990 could be filed with the IRS.  Those accounting records were done by hand.   Well, I am happy to report that their accounting records were kept on Quickbooks for 2011.  (Debbie, Nancy and the other ladies with the ministry did an outstanding job making the transition from hand-prepared records to computer-based records.)  Thus, my job was much easier.   The entire project has taken the past week, but the “numbers portion” of the 990 has been completed!  There is a narrative porton of the form where you have to explain to the IRS what the ministry accomplished during the year ( the people you helped,  amount of food and clothing that was distributed, etc.).  This information is being summarized and placed on the form by the ministry’s chief executive officer.  The bottom line is that this form, which is due to be filed on May 15th, will be submitted in just a few days.   There is a Bible verse that sums up how everyone involved in this project feels – Proverbs 13:19 a “The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul.”  Going in to this week, I really thought that my services would not be needed for the preparation of the Form 990 and that I would be serving in a different capacity, but that  was not the case.  There are still some administrative and office areas where I can help with some issues that are outstanding.  For now though, I will quote James Brown, the Godfather of Soul – “I feel GOOD!”