Month: October 2015

Mark Childs

The past several days have been very busy.  Just in the past week and a half the project has been moving very fast.  The building I am working in is 5 stories and I seem to make 15 to 20 trips a day from top to bottom and back.  I am very envious of the folks living in the North with the beautiful changes in color here in the Catskill Mountains.  Temperatures are definitely cooler than Texas.

We have breakfast every morning with a Bible discussion on various topics.  This morning it was based on Judges chapters 7 and 8 about Judge Gideon.  The discussion was how Gideon was to select 300 men to go against Midian, Amalek and all the Easterners who numbered 120,000. Gideon and each of his 300 men had 3 items each which included a Horn, Large Jar and a Torch.  The account is in Judges 7:15-25.  Gideon and his men were successful.  In chapter 8 we see how Gideon was able to calm down a situation with the men of Ephraim who were offended that Gideon had not invited them to the battle.  Verses 1-3 relate the way Gideon was able to calm the situation.  A good listen for us regarding Humility.

It has been very refreshing to work with volunteers who are dedicated to completing a project to benefit others they do not personally know.


Mark Childs still in New York

This has been an exciting opportunity to work on a project that will benefit so many around the world.  My assignment has been to work with volunteers from all across the US to complete one of the housing complexes. This complex has 2 floors designated to be an infirmary for the 4000 volunteers that work and live here.  The Watchtower Bible Printery has been in operation in New York since 1909 publishing.  Bible literature is being published in over 700 languages, distributed worldwide and is being made available at no charge to help people know the importance of God’s Kingdom with his Son as King of that Kingdom.  Special thanks to FDLIC for making this oportunity available by allowing me the time to have a special part in this construction project.

Mark Childs Arrival in New York

Arrived late Friday night in White Plains, NY on a flight with James Taylor.  We landed with Strong winds, Heavy rains and cold temperatures.  The storms continued until Sunday when the clouds cleared.  Made a trip to a local winery with some friends to rest up before the Construction begins.   Stay tuned.