Fresh Mercies

Since I am thinking about not accomplishing all the grandiose plans I had in mind for these two weeks, I needed this reminder from a devotion I read this morning:

“Take each day one day at a time.
If things did not work out yesterday, it does not really matter.
If they don’t work out tomorrow, it does not matter either.
What does matter is today.

Too often we get caught up thinking about all the things we haven’t done or dreaming of all the things we ought to do, and we have no time to actually do the things we have set before us right now.

God’s people live in the present. They learn from the past and hope for the future, but they make the most of every single moment of every day.

Live for today and see the miracles and success!”

I heard last week about a book called MY HAIR AND GOD’S MERCIES – NEW EVERY MORNING. True dat!!! May we recognize and enjoy His fresh mercies each new day! May we enjoy the journey! I plan to rejoice and be glad today – good idea!