Day Three – Friday – God’s plan worked out after all

After Thursday’s chaos, Friday was the complete opposite – it felt like the calm after the storm. Some of our college students switched from the D-Now Team to the VBS Team. VBS kids did crafts and learned Bible stories in one room, while the D-Now teens met in another room. The Baseball Camp was full of students from all ages wanting to learn about baseball. Mark and the Evangelism Team were out in the neighborhoods inviting people to the revival and meals. The Ladies’ Bible Study had so many ladies that they ran out of chairs.

My job was on the Cooking Team. We started working at 9:00 to prepare hamburgers for lunch. Even though we had some extra mouths to feed, we had food left over for the soup kitchen to freeze and use on another day. It is the Loaves and Fishes kitchen after all – so what else would you expect.

The VBS lesson for the day was “What to do When You’re Afraid”. Venita asked what things they were afraid of, and got answers like, “monsters under the bed”, “afraid of the dark” – the same as any other kids. She taught them how to talk to God whenever they’re afraid and that they will always have a friend in Jesus.
The night before when we were trying to put VBS together, Andrea had the great idea to download a Veggie Tales video on her computer for the kids to watch. When she started the video the next day, all of the adults in the room were floored. She had picked the video “Where’s God When I’m Scared?” without even knowing that it was the same theme as the VBS material! The video addressed all the same questions that Venita had asked earlier in the day. Hmmm…it seems that God really wanted us to have VBS in Chinle.


That evening we fed another 100 people spaghetti for supper, then had our first revival service. Two young men showed up after being invited to the meal and the service. After the service we immediately had our group meeting and when we were finished, we discovered that those two guys had been waiting in the parking lot for an hour to talk to Pastor Jeff. They ended up attending many of our activities during the weekend and even exchanged email addresses with several people in our group.

Day three was full of laughter, tears, joy, sorrow, chaos, calm, excitement and amazement at what God can do.