Helpers of People in Alaska

After serving on Kodiak Island last summer, my family and I were in complete agreement that we needed to return this year.  Outside of the breathtaking views and incredible scenery, the people are amazing and in a lot of cases in desperate need of Jesus.  We decided to return this year as part of a team to put on VBS (Vacation Bible School) for a local Baptist church.  The relationships we began in 2014 needed to be reunited and the seeds we planted needed to be watered.  So, we took a team of 15 people (6 of which were children) to teach, sing with, love on and be silly with children aged 4 to 15.  It was supposed to cap at sixth grade but there were a few older girls who wanted to “help” but really just needed to be loved on.  So, we obviously couldn’t turn them away or get onto them for not leading.  VBS was very tiring and we were going strong for hours straight, but we wouldn’t have changed a thing.  We met the challenge of matching the energy level of the kids (or at least came close).  Part of our mission was to encourage the local church.  This included us attending their little-attended church on Sunday and meeting the members but also pouring into Pastor Gary and his wife, Candy.  One of the last nights together, we led Gary and Candy in worship and prayed over them for strength and courage on their daily quest to reach the lost for Christ.  As a side note, they estimate 90% of the population of Kodiak is unchurched.  What an incredible opportunity to make a difference in a lost environment!

While in Kodiak, we also did some clean-up around the church and parsonage and well as some lawn work for one of the elderly church members.  If you think mowing the lawn is the same as it is in west Texas then you are incredibly misinformed.  Due to the mountainous terrain, it is uncommon for any of the residences to have lawn mowers; they typically just use weed eaters to take care of the grass.  We didn’t think this was much of an issue since the properties are typically smaller.  Then we drove to the outskirts of town to a 1.5 acre property.  It was grueling to carefully manicure all of the property, but we did have access to two machines so we were able to switch out.  All in all, we had an incredible time.  It was a blessing to be able to reunite with some of the children from last year and reach many new ones.  My family and I are blessed to have an opportunity to serve like this.  My boys will forever remember this mission work and what it means to give of ourselves and work for the Lord.
