Helpers of People-Camp Bonita

Last week I attended Camp Bonita kids camp with my church Beltway Park for the first time.  I have been involved with children’s ministry for four years and each year I have thought about attending but never pursued it much further then just thinking about it.  I am so glad I finally decided to go.  The week was amazing!

Monday morning started out early since counselors needed to be at the church at 6:30 a.m. for a wonderful bus ride.  Once we arrived at camp in New Mexico things moved rather fast.  I, along with two other women and two junior counselors, were counselors for a group of 3rd grade girls.  Altogether between the five of us we had 13 girls to look after for the week.  I must say we had a group of great dance party loving prankster little girls.  This trip was special for me because my son was attending Camp Bonita for the first time as well.  I was able to see him throughout the trip.

The week was planned with scheduled activities to keep the kids busy but the best part, besides worship time, was the small group devotionals and down time.  This is the time where the girls were able to bond and share their stories about God and life with each other.  It is so much fun to view life through a child’s eyes and to watch them worship the Lord like no one is watching.  All-in-all camp was amazing, fast but long at the same time, and a growing experience for me.  I went in feeling way out of my comfort zone.  By mid week I had prayed over a few little girls and all my worries had been taken away I knew I was where I was suppose to be.  By the last night I was ready for my own bed, but I wanted to stay longer as well.

I am grateful for the experience and will definitely be going back to camp in future years!