Helpers of People week 2016

I will be with DIG for 10 years in December (2016). In those 10 years I have been through horrendous things in my personal life that would normally include loss of employment due to instability. But, because Kris has laid seed, watered, nurtured and loved his employees, they have also learned to do that with their coworkers. Instead of being considered damaged goods, I was not only loved and cared for with grace, I was allowed to continue to grow into the successful career I have now. Sometimes people think that Christians pretend to have it all together. Like we are a club of snobby, wanna be perfect people. What I wish everybody could experience is what I have learned by working for this company. Christians are broken people. Christians do not have it all together… But by the grace of God, we are loved. And other Christians will lift you up and extend grace in your darkest hours. Most importantly, because I have been extended that grace, I am able to go out into the world and extend grace and love to others that are hurting and broken. I don’t believe God wants us to stay inside our own four walls of His mercy and grace but to go out and be His helpers of people in the world. Having the opportunity to do that through the generosity of DIG is one of the biggest blessings I’ve ever received. I have struggled my whole life trying to figure out my purpose. Many people wander their whole lives never feeling they have made a difference. But, if you’ve ever had the feeling of joy when you helped somebody in need, I believe you have found your purpose. Just the simplest thing can make a world of difference to somebody else. If you don’t know what to do or who to help I prompt you to listen to your heart. That little voice inside your head that says, pay for their meal, open that door, go pray with that person…. If you think “where did that thought come from?” That’s your purpose. That’s God. Something that may be so small to you, may be the biggest blessing to somebody else. And in that blessing you are serving your purpose. To be a helper of people. To be Gods hands and feet.

For my helpers of people week I chose Pregnancy Resources of Abilene again.  I can’t really say enough about what a great organization this is. I was able to deliver the check from our bake sale, (that I volunteered my husband to make a cake for and raised $45 I might add).  It’s a blessing to be able to be a part of such a great place.  In addition to my helpers of people week, I spent my vacation going to Vegas and selling and buying a house while moving in the hottest weather imaginable. All said and done it was a fast and labor intensive 2 weeks.  I’m glad to be back.