Mini Sabbatical Reflection


I have just completed my mini sabbatical.  It was a wonderful and rewarding time.  I want to thank Kris and the Board for the opportunity.  I am very appreciative.

I spent time at Meals on Wheels.  I delivered to a little over 50 homes in one week. The smiles and gratitude from the sweet people I delivered to was so rewarding.

I also helped out at Disability Resources, Inc.  Two years ago, I spent my mini sabbatical there, and it was nice to go out again and spend time with the lovely folks at DRI.  This time, it was during their Pumpkin Patch fundraiser.  The first day I helped the folks by moving pumpkins to make room for another truckload of pumpkins.  One day, I was playing basketball with some of the folks.  And the rest of the time was with great volunteers when classes of children would come to visit the pumpkin patch.  I had so much fun.

It’s funny that I went out to lend my time to try to help others.  But in reality, I was the one that received the rewards.