Devotional time

I finally dove headfirst into my devotional, Walk the Talk.  I read 1 Peter through completely twice, and then I read though it again using the Message interpretation just to give me a different viewpoint.  Going through all of 1 Peter reminded me how much I enjoy reading the letters to the Christian community authored by Peter, Paul, James, John and others.  These letters are great reminders how important it is to provide encouragement to others who are facing difficulty.

And reading 1 Peter was a great reminder of the gratitude we all owe early Christians for their dedication to keeping Jesus’ message alive during the very difficult times of the early church.  Simply being a Christian was life risking decision.   We, as Americans, tend to view the words “life risking” from a spiritual or maybe even metaphorical viewpoint.  Following Jesus means ending our life and replacing it with a new one.  But in the early Church, following Christ meant you put your literal life on the line.  Becoming a follower of Christ was a whole ‘nother level of commitment!

The first section of the study, the focus is on verse 13-15. “Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.  As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance.  But just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do.”   Now there’s a standard to live up to– Just be as holy as God Almighty himself.  Never sinning!  Limiting my thinking to only spiritual things!

Are you encouraged or discouraged by these words?

Initially, I was discouraged– an impossible standard for me to meet.  But then the study defined holiness in a way that gave me hope and encouragement:  Living a holy life “is being passionately in love with Christ which colors the way I think and act.”  Definitely doable!
