The LORD is My Shield!

If you are like me, as a parent you feel what your kids feel – both good and bad. Lately, the Stewart family has been experiencing the highest of highs and seemingly the lowest of lows…quite the roller coaster ride! My oldest son, Blake and his wife Julie are expecting their first child (a girl, Taylor Renee) the first of June…these are definitely joyful days for them and for my wife and I, as we are looking forward to our first grand child being born! On the other end of the spectrum, our youngest son, Brett, is going through a divorce right now…the details of which continue to tear all of our hearts apart!

We were able to spend some time with Brett yesterday, perhaps one of his lowest days yet! In spite of the bad day he was having, he had decided to go visit a young couple from church who just had twins. I am amazed at what my 26 year old is teaching me and others about faith! If you read the following excerpt from a Facebook posting this morning by Brett, you will see what I am talking about:

Yesterday was a difficult day for me. In fact, I’ve had more days like that than not. However, I had the chance to hold two precious baby girls that were born yesterday. And as I looked at them and held them, suddenly all of the difficulties, all of the turmoil, all of the uneasiness of my life in this season left because I held in my arms these two gifts of life that the Lord brought into this world. Pure beauty. Pure miracles. Purely the love of the Father. And holding these two precious girls reminded me of the gift of life the Lord gives us. The fullness and joy of life are not found in any person, any thing I accomplish or possess, any circumstance, or anything else in this world. The fullness of life only comes from the Father. These two little miracles of life reminded me of the miracle of life that I have: both life on this earth, but more importantly my life that is found in Christ. My worth, my purpose, my joy, and my satisfaction only come from the truth of God the Father: His love is indescribable and unfathomable. There is nothing I can do and nothing that I can face that will cause God to love me any less. And there is nothing I can do that will cause God to love me more. He loves 100% all of the time. It’s just who he is…That is the truth that I walk with and live with each day. Life comes only from the Father, and it’s full of his unending mercies and love.


Psalm 3:3 – “But you, LORD, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high.”