Catching up.

What. A. Week. I haven’t blogged as much as I intended to, which I’m kicking myself for, but I haven’t touched my computer all week! So now… it’s time for some catching up.

This past week, my mom and I volunteered at the Foodbank in Dayton, OH.

We were asked to help with a wide range of duties while we were there, ranging from sorting donated food, to hand addressing envelopes to donors, to writing encouraging cards to children in need who would soon receive “Good-to-Go Backpacks.” Each week, volunteers at the Foodbank have these backpacks that they fill full of food. These packs are then given to schools and agencies, who in turn, give them to children they see have a hunger need. The children receive the backpacks on Friday, and it sustains them over the weekend.

Every person we came into contact with at the Foodbank was incredibly kind, generous, and willing to answer any questions that us rookie volunteers had. My mom enjoyed it so much that she is now talking about getting my youngest brother, Ian, involved with volunteering as well.

Wednesday evening held a much anticipated Beeksma family outing… and it didn’t disappoint. We ended up doing an escape room (and managed to escape with only a few curse words and no hurt feelings, so I’d call that a success). Afterward, we all went out to dinner and I honestly can’t remember the last time I laughed that hard. Did I mention how nice it’s been to have the family back together?

On Friday, my mom and I took a last minute road trip to Alabama to visit my grandparents. My grandpa was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last month and just started undergoing chemotherapy. I haven’t seen my grandparents in years, and it just seemed like the perfect opportunity to drive down and surprise them. It was a short and sweet weekend trip, but every chance they got they thanked us for making the trip. It easily made the 18 hour car ride (round trip) worth it. I wouldn’t have had that opportunity if it wasn’t for this sabbatical, and for that I’m forever grateful.

I have a few more days left in Ohio and then I’m back on Texas soil… for a day. I’m very excited for this upcoming week of travel and the opportunity for me to finally catch up on something else – my reading.
