Global Samaritan Resources – Day 3

Today was yet another busy one at Global Samaritan Resources. Thank goodness we had a cool front blow through…it made the rest of my landscaping this morning feel much more comfortable. After sawing down two out-of-control cedar trees and trimming a massive oak tree, we were finished…all that remained was my stiff back and sore muscles!

In the afternoon, Esther and I worked on gathering materials and packing them onto pallets for shipping to the Congo. By the time we were finished, we had two mountains of supplies ready to be placed into the container trailer. Everything from medical supplies and exam tables to non-perishable food to parts from the pontoon boat I discussed in yesterday’s blog, were included. Once we had the pallets packed to the hilt and piled exactly 9-1/2 feet tall (the maximum size allowed to be able to fit into the container trailer), we carefully moved them to the giant shrink wrap machine that our DIG Foundation had helped pay for and let it do it’s thing…technology is awesome and this machine is so vital for what Global Samaritan does!

As Esther and I were taking a break from our packing detail, she shared some stories with me about how God has blessed the efforts of Global Samaritan. There was one time recently, when Global Samaritan had a container trailer all but filled and ready to be shipped to Mozambique, when the head of the mission walked into the Global Samaritan CEO’s (Danny Sims) office and asked for prayers as an urgent need for an X-Ray machine has arisen. When Danny heard her request he could hardly restrain himself as he told her that Esther was currently at a local physician’s office to pick up an X-Ray machine they had just donated! Another story shared by Esther involved an urgent plea from Swaziland for hospital beds, when shortly after the request had been made a medical supply company from Midland happened to show up with a truck load of donated hospital beds! These are two recent stories about how God continues to bless Global Samaritan’s mission!

Even though I am tired and my body is aching, I feel so privileged to be spending my time working this week for this wonderful organization!