Guess who’s back

Hi everybody,

What in tarnation!? Has it already been 30 days? Just kidding, of course it has, although I am thoroughly confused about who I am and what I do. All normalcy has left me. Okay, maybe that is a dramatic way of saying I am ready to return to the real world and a get some routine back in my life. With that said, this Sabbatical has been a tremendous blessing in my life and has provided me insight and rejuvenation. This last week has been spent finishing my book studies and preparing myself to return to work. This Sabbatical has been huge in giving me the motivation to spend more time with the word of God as well as pursue self-help knowledge which can be utilized to not only make me a better employee, but also a better friend, sibling, son, and helper of people. I spent a good deal of time with Stephen Covey’s “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, a book I have been recommended in the past and always wanted to read. I am excited to explore how the principles of Covey’s teaching can be applied in the work place and was pleased to have discovered many of the books themes have been preached in the MIS department as well as the rest of the company, especially independence and proactivity. I am excited to return to FDLIC and see everyone, but even more excited to see how everyone’s Sabbatical journey provides enlightenment in your lives as the year progresses.

I’ll see yall very soon,