Becoming Excellent

Wow, just wow! This journey so far has been fast and furious. I have been able to pamper myself, spend time with my sweet parents and friends, and best of all enjoy my daughters. We celebrated my Dad’s 60th Birthday last weekend complete with more food than we needed and a garage turned into a dance hall. Those of you who know my Mother will understand. I have been able to pick up Allie from school and take her for ice cream which to her seems to be the most amazing thing. I have to say this week has flown by. It has been such a blessing to relax in the mornings after dropping off the girls and sit down to spend time with the Lord. I am reading about “Becoming Excellent”, a book that really focuses on becoming a Proverbs 31 woman. God has really been telling me to SLOW DOWN, that I cannot do everything in one day nor should I try. My favorite part of this scripture is verse 30, “Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.” I want to be the wife and mother God desires me to be and to do that I have to serve Him first. That is something I am learning and am striving to get better at each day. It has been wonderful to cook and clean for my family, something that is not often easy when I’m working but that I really enjoy. I will start my mission work next week at Pregnancy Resources, a change from my original plan, but I am sure God has something great in store while I am there. Being a Mom is top on my list of favorite things so I hope to be able to inspire other women along the way. They don’t think it be like it is but they do. I will keep you all posted and am praying blessings for my Passare family! I miss you guys.
