Discipleship culture

One goal of my sabbatical was to sit down with a few men in my life that have mentored me and challenged me and show them gratitude for how they have helped me. I truly only have one hero in my life and that is my father, but I have several men who have blessed me beyond belief.  Our church talks a lot about a “discipleship culture”. We believe in being obsessive includers and helping other people experience the light of Christ. This is what ultimately brought me into a relationship with God. Five years ago this month I took a chance on a men’s group at a local church to get into community with other men who were trying to be better fathers, husbands, sons, etc. The leader of that group is a man who I will never be able to repay. He showed me what walking in faith looked like and that faith was not a weakness but rather a strength. He encouraged me, built into me, and stood by me when times were tough. This was a glimpse of what it meant to be in community and bring God’s light into someone’s life. He always said, “I may be the only Bible someone ever reads.” This thought rang so true to me because although I never sat down and read the Bible, I could see him acting on his faith and leading other people.  At some point in that journey, I took it as my duty to be an example to other men on how to live a life filled with God and all of His blessings.  Several years later, I was fortunate enough to be led by this man again in a group at one of our church’s Man Camp retreats. It was during this time when I met another spiritual mentor and friend. This friend challenged me and brought out strengths inside myself that I was not aware of. He decided to nominate me to lead a group of men at our third Man Camp. This was one of the most flattering and humbling gestures I have ever received. I am grateful to both of these men and ALL of the men who I have encountered through these camping experiences. They continue to be a blessing to me and those around me. Although these two guys live approximately 45 minutes away from me, I was able to sit down with each of them in the past two weeks and say thanks! This was another gift as a result of this sacred time. I am gracious for a company with a hierarchy that has many good people such as these two men. The Bible says in Matthew 19:26; Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” I am so thankful that God makes this possible for each of us.