What a glorious morning!

What a glorious morning!  I love mornings, I do.  I am an early riser, always have been.  There is just something about getting a fresh start to a new day.  I have very much enjoyed my first week of sabbatical.  I have a new grandbaby!!  He is so precious, Reuel Orlando Bueno.  I have had the great pleasure of caring for him and the gift of time with my children.   My daughter is  doing well after giving birth.  She is such a wonderful young woman and loving mother.  My  grandchildren Xxoie and Elijah are thrilled to have a baby brother and to have Nonie (me) around.  They do not live in Abilene and I do visit them regularly.  However, I only get credit for the days that I spend the night.  So, it goes something like this.  Nonie how many days are you staying with us?  If, I go over on Friday night they count 2 days even though I generally stay through 3:00 on Sunday.  I cannot count Sunday in that I am not staying the night!  It was fun watching them smile as they counted all the days (nights) that Nonie was going to be with them. 

I joined the gym here so that I could workout with my son, Abel.  Abel does CrossFit!  Yes, he does so therefore I now do CrossFit.  I realize there is a CrossFit revolution, but I am not a fan!  I certainly was shocked at the money I had to lay down for membership and the class.   I workout at the company Dig Wellness Center and participate in Spin class 3 times a week for FREE!!  I know now that I even get a little CrossFit, in that Tom our trainer adds those exercises to our workout when he can.

So, my week has been getting up at 5:00 am, prayer, going to the gym, helping to get Xxoie and Elijah off to school, preparing meals for my family, enjoying my time with the kids and bonding with my new grandson.   In all of this, I have found rest.  Yes, rest for my mind and energy for my soul. 

I am studying the book of James in the Bible and serving the youth at Bethel Community Church.  I am also planning on catching up with my reading.   Most of all I am being purposeful in being PRESENT in my life and for those around me.   I am enjoying each day and encourage you to do same!