Patient and Present

My second week of Sabbatical has been great!  My daughter Ezme and baby are doing good! I have enjoyed the freedom of time with my children and grandchildren.   I have also enjoyed spending time with the youth at Bethel Community Church.

My Crossfit class is going okay.  I say ok in that I have had a week of true testing and soreness (the inability to sit, stand or walk without carefully contemplating each move).  Oh, what have I got myself in to?  Well, yes that is a bit dramatic but it has been a challenge.  What I like the most is of course that I am working out with my son, that the class is a challenge and different from what I  am used to.   Somewhat humbling to say the least. ( I miss my spin class, I miss my workout buddies at FD!)  Carrie, our Crossfit trainer is very encouraging.  She says that I am doing good she likes the energy I bring to the group.  This last week she kept talking about patience.  I get frustrated when I do not quickly catch on to the proper form for executing the lifting of weight (many times my own).  Patience, Sonia!  Now how can someone who has just met me see so clearly one of my greatest weakness?  Please do not all answer at once!

Early in this second week of sabbatical I knew that my self  was getting in the way of “rest & renewal”.  I had my week of rest and now it was time to get things done!  You know….. the things that need to get done, those things! 

So, knowing that my way of thinking was getting in the way,  I did what I always do, I turned to study of the Word.  I also, started reading “The Most Excellent Way to Lead ” by Perry Noble.   You need to read this book if you have not already!  It explains how the principles from 1 Corinthians 13 can help you become a better leader in all aspects of your life.  Leadership by love for one another.  As I am reading, I am reminded of all the great mentors in my life, I am thinking of the good and not so good experiences in my leadership journey.   I feel blessed for where I am weak, HE is strong.

Chapter 2: Patient- Love is patient 1 Corinthians 13:4

Patience isn’t something most of us are born with, we don’t become patient when things are easy; we tend to learn patience through storms in our life.  He speaks to being patient with process and people.  Patiently embrace the process, and the process will put you in a position to succeed.  I know this to be true in that I have experienced it time and time again.

So, I pulled it all together and continue to be purposeful in being patient and present in my life and for others!

I enjoyed Wednesday night with the youth.  We all have dinner together, then go into praise & worship, teaching and generally small groups however this time they decided instead of small groups they would play basketball and that they did!  I really enjoy Praise & Worship!  It is powerful to hear the voices of the young men and women praising Jesus!

I had the opportunity to visit with a few of my friends from work.  So, odd to describe them as such in that they are not just friends at work.  The people you work with are the people that share your story.  You know?  I am quite sure I was more excited about seeing them than they me!!  Yes, I miss my work and the people I work with!  I am blessed : )

I will say goodbye for now in that Xxoie, my granddaughter has been patiently waiting to go to the park!  So, off we go.