My Sabbatical Epilogue

Today is the final day of my Sabbatical. As I reflect on my experiences and areas of growth over the past 30 days, God didn’t disappoint!

Going into this Sabbatical time, I was physically and emotionally exhausted. I had been consumed with so much for such a long time, it had worn me down. While in this weakened state, Satan (as he always does) had pounced on me and the people I love. We were under attack! However, I can now confidently report that after much prayer on the part of so many people, we survived the difficult days and God prevailed. Amen!

Along the way, during these 30 days, I have learned the following:

  1. I am so blessed by my family. I knew this going in, but with the storms we have weathered lately, the blessings have been too many to count.
  2. Global Samaritan Resources is changing lives and I am so proud of our company for getting on board in supporting their Christian humanitarian efforts.
  3. I became reacquainted with some family members I have not seen in a long time.
  4. You’re never too old to try something out-of-the-box…like rattlesnake hunting! The day that my son, Brett, and I spent hunting AND catching rattlesnakes together was definitely a “Wild at Heart” adventure! However, I might have created a monster as Brett is now referring to our time together as our “1st Annual Father and Son Rattlesnake Hunt!”
  5. The importance of having a getaway with my wife. Even though I felt my manhood was in doubt during our trip to Magnolia Market, the time together brought real joy for Sherry and I.
  6. “Chase the Lion” food for thought:
    1. When we operate in faith, we aren’t risking our reputation
    2. Dreams aren’t just born; they are sometimes born again
    3. To achieve the highest level of success in any field, you need a high pain threshold when it comes to failure
    4. What Satan uses against you can be recycled for God’s purposes
    5. Every dream, no matter how big, starts out as a seed and some dreams grow slower than others
    6. Every generation must steward what’s been entrusted to them
    7. One of the biggest mistakes we make is thinking in terms of only our generation
    8. When you seek God, opportunity will seek you

Thank you to Kris Seale and our board of directors for your vision and commitment to bless all DIG employees with the opportunity to take a Sabbatical, what a blessing it has been for me! Also, thank you to my wonderful Marketing team for covering for me these past 30 days. Tomorrow, I’ll be back in the saddle!