A love letter to God

Today marks the last day of my sabbatical and it has been amazing. I have learned so much and have been rejuvenated. I would like to thank all of the people at Funeral Director’s Life for being a part of my family and for blessing me with this opportunity. I have challenged many men and women over the past few years to write love letters to each other that center around their faith and spiritual journey. I like to remind them that the Bible is the greatest love story ever told and encourage them to reciprocate that love in this sensitive way. One goal for my sabbatical was to write my own love letter to God and here it is:

Dear God,

Thank you for showing me unconditional love. My life has been so great since we started our relationship. I had no idea that love could feel this good and I am so thankful that you have shown me. I can’t wait to see our relationship grow through the years. Each day I feel closer to you and I am forever grateful. You have loved me when I was at my worst and you have lifted me up. Thank you for always standing by my side and offering me your intelligent guidance. It’s still so hard to believe that story you told me, how you have been waiting for me for all of those years. I really regret not taking a chance on our relationship earlier in life. I mean I knew you existed but just thought I could make it on my own. Thank you for being patient with me. I seriously think about you all the time now and I just want to share all of my life with you. Oh and thank you for all the wonderful gifts you have showered me with, I sometimes feel like I am not even worthy of them all. I mean the way you placed each of those stars in the sky and made them shine so bright or how about that time when I was able to watch the beautiful sunset while listening to the ocean waves crash. Wow!! The list goes on and so does my love for you. I hope you always know how much I care about you and need you in my life. I love you dearly and I am so thankful you are a major part of my life.

With love,

PS – I am so sorry to hear about your Son’s passing. He sounds like an amazing man. I want to be just like Him!