Helpers of Animals, Reading, and Updates

♥ Helpers of Animals ♥

Tomorrow I’m going in to meet the person in charge of volunteers at the animal shelter. I’m ready to help with anything they need because I know that even small things matter. We are helpers of people, and I’m helping the helpers of people.


I’ve been reading my first book The Love Dare with my boyfriend because I think it’s going to be helpful for our relationship. We may not be married, but after as many years as we’ve been together, it’s going to happen (as soon as I get most of my ducks in the same place – they don’t even have to be in a line).

Spring Clean, Spring Simplify Update

I’m in the process of my spring clean and simplify (have been for one week) and am starting to realize that this is going to probably take the whole season. That’s frustrating but working on my patience could maybe be a good thing! Everyone had high hopes for the wire hangers, but they were not everything we wanted (back they go, and gold is better than silver anyways).

Maybe Dog Update

Maybelline Inez is not doing so well, but I’m saying so many prayers for her. We can’t leave her alone so Bryan and I trade off and make sure to give her plenty of attention. My heart is breaking, but maybe it’s healing at the same time. We can’t really see anything too positive with her meds but that doesn’t mean something miraculous isn’t happening behind the scenes. Please send your love her way and prayers her way.

Again, I’m super thankful for the chance to recharge and focus on the future.