The Blessings of Family

It has been a little over three weeks since I started my Sabbatical and it has taken about this long for me not to think about what I have to do at work tomorrow. I had to constantly remind myself that I wasn’t going to work tomorrow. It finally started to sink in this last week and I can honestly say it felt calming and I felt relaxed. I felt bad for leaving people all my responsibilities but this last week I came to the realization that I needed to trust the people that took on my responsibilities and know that everything is going to be okay.

Trust has been a very big part of my Sabbatical. For instance, trusting my parents and in-laws to take care of Duke (my 3 week old son) while Christina and I went on a date! It felt so nice to actually have an adult conversation with Christina because those have been few and far between these past few weeks. Don’t get me wrong, Christina and I have been communicating a lot these past few weeks, but our conversations have usually consisted of wondering if Duke has a dirty diaper or when was the last time Duke ate? So, all that to say, we had a great time just the two of us and it was really nice to talk to Christina in a different setting. Now, back to this trusting my parents and in-laws thing. It’s so funny that we had somewhat of a hard time leaving him by himself with our parents. I’m pretty sure they raised us pretty well. I don’t think we should have anything to worry about. Yet, nevertheless, we still have to trust them with our son.

I can’t tell you how much I am thankful for my parents, siblings and in-laws for helping us out when we’ve needed a break or possibly just a nap. It makes me so happy and blessed to know that my family is there for Christina, Duke and I. Those little breaks that they’ve given us over the course of the last few weeks may seem like nothing to them but to us, they’ve been the best thing since the invention of sliced bread. I don’t know why God has blessed me with such great parents, in-laws, and siblings but He has and I am forever grateful.

Here is a quick update on the Dukemeister. He is slowly starting to sleep better and better at night. For the past few nights, we have been able to sleep about 4 hours in between his feedings which when that happens, we literally feel like we can conquer anything that next day. Yes, I will have to admit, the requirement of 8 hours of sleep is not exactly happening every night. But, it’s hard to blame my little bundle of joy for that! He is also growing and growing sooo fast! We are about to move out of newborn diapers and move into size 1 diapers. He is really starting to fill out and become a little “Michelin Man.” I think this will be the only time in his life that I am wanting him to get as fat as possible. The more rolls he has the better! Keep on eating like a champ buddy!

Last week, we also did Duke’s newborn pictures. We had Kelly Gilgenbach do Duke’s newborn pictures and Kelly really did an awesome job. If you need to do family photos, school pictures, newborn photos, wedding photos, maternity photos and pretty much any other type of photo, Kelly is the man for the job! He is incredible at creating lasting images that you will hold on to forever. Here are a couple of his photo shots for your viewing pleasure!

Talk soon!