Days 16-29: And then there was 1

Well these last two weeks of my sabbatical have definitely been interesting. I have never had this much time to think and reflect on people and things in my life. The first sabbatical I took part in I was a newlywed and spent my entire sabbatical with my wife and others around me. This time around, I spent my last two weeks by myself for most of the day and it definitely gave me the time I needed to reflect and refresh.


The week before last I was able to finish my book “Marriage on the Rock”. I also started my devotional. Originally, I had planned to do a couples devotional with Kelsey but that changed as do most plans on a sabbatical. Instead, I decided to let God lead me where I needed to go. So, everyday twice a day, I opened the Bible up randomly and read a chapter. My hope with this was for God to show me what I needed each day.  The results were definitely interesting.


On top of my book and devotional I got to play some golf and got into an exercise routine. Last week I started my morning with Meals on Wheels which I have really enjoyed and will continue to enjoy throughout the year.


This weekend, we took a trip to Dallas to visit my grandmother who I haven’t seen in a few years. She got to catch up with Kynlee and hear all about her stories from Disney World. They both really enjoyed the timer together!


Only one more day left on this crazy adventure and I am definitely ready to get back.


I can’t believe y’all haven’t found this yet. It’s right under your nose!