Sabbatical has begun…

  • Being that my first day of sabbatical fell on a Thursday, it was weird to be working and suddenly stop in the middle of the week for a month. However, I got some much needed rest on my first day. The mid-day nap was awesome and I spent some great quality time with my family.

My second day seems more “productive” as I had a longer time to spend in God’s Word reading about Paul’s charge for us to train ourselves daily in the Scriptures much like a runner training to compete in a race. And I physically got to the gym for weight lifting and ran 2 miles! Plus my doctor’s visit on May 31st revealed that I had gained 13 pounds since last years visit! Well, this is a great time to get my diet back on track. With 4 kids to keep up with, I have to stay healthy. It’s still hard to believe that I have 28 more days but maybe it will sink in by Monday morning when I am not driving down the road to visit a funeral home. God bless!

Welchy aka Chris Welch