Sabbata–say–Wow!!! DAY ONE


That’s a common response that I get from people when I tell them that my employer has offered a 30 day Sabbatical for employees. And, they ask, “What does that mean?” It means that I’m being paid by my employer to not go to work for 30 days. Why would they do this?!! Are they crazy? I’m sharing the “short” explanation of what a Sabbatical is. FDLIC’s Sabbatical is focused on allowing employees to rest, refocus, and also participate in a service project to be a blessing to the community in some way. What a Godly idea this is! In the Old Testament book of Exodus 23:10 and also in Leviticus 25:4 it instructs farmers allowing the field to rest every 7 years. (paraphrasing the text) By allowing the fields to rest, it actually causes the field to then have a better yield the following year. The number “7” is used so often in the Bible!!! (but, THAT is another story!!) Our company has embraced this teaching and has decided (at the request of our CEO Kris Seale and with the blessings of the Board) to invite willing employees to participate. I am unsure of how many days I’ll be able to blog….what I’ll say….etc But, I’ll certainly do my best to share my experience with anyone interested in following my journey. ——–30 DAYS!!! Heeeeeeeeeere we go!

Today was my first day of my 30 Day Sabbatical! Yesterday, I had the incredible privilege to preach the word at the church I grew up in. After church, I changed out of my suit and put on my shorts + t-shirt and headed to moms! She and I are away for a few days camping in Hannibal, Missouri. We’re staying at the “Mark Twain Campground”. We’ll be touring the cave in just a bit. (Ever read “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer & Huck Finn”???—–it was written here inspired by the local caves)

This morning was different. I awoke to knowing that today I had no appointments to run, no e-mails to return, no calls to return………..weird. Today has really felt weird. Ever have that “Skipped School” feeling? I never skipped school, but today is what it MUST have felt like! I almost “cold-called” on a local funeral home about our Select Producer program, but I’m in shorts + a Harley Davidson t-shirt……so, I avoided the temptation and kept rolling!

Mom and I spent some time in Quincy where I pulled off a surprise visit with Todd Hasting,
a minister friend (AND former missionary) at his place of work—–TOYOTA!!!  

Last night, mom and I enjoyed some fine BBQ at a local restaurant.

Today was definitely fun and a great blessing! Now, we’re headed out to tour Mark Twain’s Cave!!!
I hope you’ve enjoyed my 1st blog!!   Please comment below so I know that you’re out there!