Day 5 – Settling In

It felt strange today being a Monday and not going in to the office. I guess the business world does goes on without me!

This morning after devotional time, I went on a long walk. It’s amazing what God can share with you when it’s quiet. And we are intentional about listening. I’m so grateful for this time!

I spent a good part of the day running errands and getting caught up on the things we put off for work and life. Car repairs, registration, etc. It feels good to mark stuff off the list! We ended the day with a home cooked meal (gotta love the crock pot).

Afterwards I got to spend some quality time with Matt on the driving range. I really miss being with him now that he’s in college. I really miss our time together, he’s really grown up. We are so proud of him!

off to tend to the new puppy, whew!

Until next time…