This is the Life!

My sabbatical began this last Saturday, and for a couple of days, I woke up in the middle of the night thinking “Oh my gosh–I forgot to…(fill in the blank)” With work still on the brain, I have been trying to tell myself, just be like Elsa, and let it go…at least for 30 days.

I love my job. It’s fast-paced and deadline driven, and it gets my blood pumping to try to get everything done that needs to get done in a day, and then some. I LOVE feeling needed and appreciated, which I do, every single day.

But, I do need a rest. A good rest. I’ve been so wound up and stressed out for months, that today, I just sat on my back porch, poured myself a chai tea, and had a good cry.

I just feel so blessed in this moment. Blessed to have time to unwind. Blessed to serve at Love & Care Ministries this week, and blessed to be able to sit in my rocking chair and enjoy the sunflowers on a lovely afternoon with my puppy in my lap and my chickens scratching around and clucking contentedly. Life is beautiful.

I chose to start my sabbatical volunteering at Love & Care Ministries because my husband is going to be busy this week in a training session out at the Gold Monarch healing center. So, in order to have a little time off together, we thought we would line up our “busy” weeks, and then play the rest of it by ear.

Spending time at Love & Care has been amazing. Food is one of my love languages, so I love getting to serve food in His Kitchen with Janet, Birdie, Lacy, Mike, and other volunteers. I like getting out from behind a desk and being a part of something so special. Birdie was telling me today that the homeless can get a meal in Abilene on just about any day of the week between Love & Care, Salvation Army, churches, and other ministries. I was blown away by the generosity of our city. Love & Care gets donations of food from restaurants, grocery stores, universities, farms, individuals, and other organizations every day.

Yesterday, we served brisket and ribs, and today we served chicken with cobbler for dessert. I mean, this is good food. I was expecting spaghetti every day, but man! Today, after serving lunch, Janet took me out to feed people on the streets. I got to hand out the meals and drinks, and I loved every minute of it. We scanned the streets and stopped for anyone who looked like they could use a meal. Janet and Mark, who drove the truck, chatted with regulars and new friends alike.

The thing is, I know I’ve done good today. I know I’ve helped feed someone who was hungry. Someone who needed a meal, and didn’t know where that next meal would come from. I know I’ve played a part in God providing for someone. What a powerful feeling! My heart is alive! My soul is satisfied, and I feel at rest.

We are so incredibly blessed. We have so much to be grateful for. A roof over our heads, loving family and friends, a wonderful place to work, life everlasting! And now, to get to pay it forward, even in this small way. This is the life.

I want to thank Kris and the board for giving me this opportunity. Tears are streaming down my face again as I write this. I am overwhelmed by your generosity to us, your employees. This is unheard of. This is unimaginable in most workplaces. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.