Living in the moment…

I can’t believe I’m on my 11th day of my Sabbatical! I try not to think about it because I start thinking about all the things I want to get done.  Funny rite, since it’s not about what I want to get done but what God has planned for me.

The first couple of days were of rest and taking it all in.  I didn’t worry about what time it was and what I needed to get done.  I’ve also made time to pray every morning, taking a nap, and reading my books (Rediscover Jesus and The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic both by Matthew Kelly).  As I was reading my book, God reminded me to “slow down and enjoy the journey” and that’s what I’ve been trying to do.

On Wednesday, I went to the Wellness Center to sign up with Deonna for the Live Fit Challenge and also went to Love and Care Ministries to drop off my volunteer form.  The next couple of days I cleaned my house, rested, watched movies, and got ready for our trip to El Paso.

We arrived to El Paso last Sunday night and my brother in law had some food ready for us to eat.  Monday, we visited my cousins and made lasagna for dinner and spent the rest of the evening talking and reminiscing.  Tuesday, we celebrated my son’s 12th birthday and went to Rockin’ Jump and had a blast! It’s different size of indoor trampolines and the best part of all was when my kiddos told me they were happy that I got to jump with them.  Wednesday was a day of rest.  Thursday, we went bowling and again had so much fun!

On Friday, my sister came over and visited with us.  When I told my kiddos that I had a sister from my dad’s side of the family, they were really surprised.  I didn’t realize I hadn’t mentioned that to them and my son quickly asked where she was from. I told him that she was from here (El Paso) and he asked why they had never met her.  I told him that I hadn’t had a close relationship with her because we were both very young when we met but that I wanted to change that and wanted for us to get to know her.  I also have a brother but he lives in California and hopefully one day we will get to meet him as well.  For rite now I am very thankful that my sister and I met again and spent time together.

Saturday, we went to the cemetery and cleaned my baby’s grave and put fresh flowers.  It’s been 18 years since her passing but it always feels like yesterday when my Jesus needed an angel in heaven.  Today, Sunday, we went to mass and had a relaxing day with my mother in law, brother in law and his family.  I am really enjoying spending time with family and not having to worry about time.  I’m learning how to live in the moment, leaving yesterday in the past and not worry so much about tomorrow.

Till next time…