Sabbatical Week 1 Wrap Up

This week has been such a blessing. First, I got to spend time with my mom in San Antonio for her birthday. My stepdad and my mom both mentioned how much it meant to her for my brother and me to be able to come down there for her birthday. On Sunday, the minster at my mom’s church, MacArthur Park Church of Christ, preached on the Armor of God and talked about when he lived in Abilene when he proposed to his wife.  I figured it couldn’t be a coincidence that the sermon was about the scripture on our sabbatical coin and my hometown was even mentioned. Here is the link to the sermon if you would like to listen to it: My mother also gave me an old photograph of my grandmother with her mother and sister that I was able to add our family records that I keep.

“Pupa” is an Italian term of endearment. It can mean “doll” or “cutie.”

Monday, I was blessed by two wonderful guys who are also on their sabbaticals. Alvino and Taylor transformed my yard into such a beauty. They trimmed trees and bushes, edged and mowed my lawn. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate everything they did for us.

I also began delivering for Meals on Wheels. It really is one of those things that is so simple to do that leaves a huge impact on people. I delivered a meal to one lady and I realized from the delivery sheet that her birthday was the next day so I wished her an early happy birthday and her face lit up with the biggest smile. She even told me about some of her birthday plans.

I’ve been reading The 360 Leader by John Maxwell, which is about leading from the middle, and The Just Like Jesus Devotional by Max Lucado. Both ask you a lot of big questions that are often times hard to answer and its usually not intellectually difficult but emotionally difficult. Here are two hard ones from each: “What is worth spending your life on?” (Maxwell) and “How would you have responded if Jesus, knowing everything about you, knelt before you to wash your feet?” (Lucado).

Maxwell’s question might be easy to answer in some categories. Most people want to spend more time with their families and on their relationship with God but after that it gets kind of blurry.  You could even ask a bigger question and ask yourself “Am I spending my time in the way that God wants me to?” I know for me that question could be oftentimes be answered with a big fat “No”. I’m pretty sure that God had not intended for me to make so many trips to Taco Bell in my life and that instead of ordering a 5-Layer Burrito I should be doing something more valuable with my time. But what should I be doing? Perhaps today writing a blog is something I should be doing. It may make a positive impact. God always has a way for opening doors to others. I used to write quite a lot when I was younger.  I used to write poetry and even wrote articles for some newspapers and a magazine. I have even kept up a couple of blogs in the past. As I am writing this, I am realizing that maybe something I should be spending my life on is writing.

Don’t worry I’m not going to forget Lucado’s question. I personally think that if Jesus tried to wash my feet that I would not want him to, especially with him knowing everything about me. I wouldn’t want anyone to wash my feet, let alone someone who knows how imperfect I really am. I would feel so incredibly unworthy and embarrassed. Perhaps some of the disciples felt this way. One of thing Max points out is that Jesus washes the feet of Thomas, Peter, and Judas. One doubts the resurrection of Jesus, one denies him, and one betrays him a way that leads to his death. None of these guys knew this was in their future but I think they knew what was in their hearts. They knew that doubt, fear, and evil lived in there and here comes the Savior to wash their feet. Peter even says that he would never want Jesus to wash his feet. I can only imagine the tension in the room. Jesus also says he does this to be our example. How many of us could humble ourselves enough to wash someone else’s feet, especially people we know everything about, good and bad?

Besides getting to read some pretty impactful books, I also got to take Garrett and Odin to the CALF (Children Arts and Literacy Festival) this year. It was our 3rd year going and it was spectacular.  What I love most about the CALF is how it brings literature alive to kids. This year’s illustrator was Garth Williams, who illustrated Stuart Little, Charlotte’s Web, The Three Little Pigs, and much more. We also got to spend Saturday with Jessie Martin and Addie on Saturday at the CALF. I loved the ventriloquist Nancy Worcester. She taught the kids and the adults how you can build a better world by building a better you. I only wish all children’s entertainment had such positive message.

The power of this week makes me look forward to next week even more and I hope that blog número dos can only have as many positive things in it as the first.