Day 9—-Beautiful Day!!!!

It’s been OVER a week now since I’ve worn a watch.  Enjoying each day without really caring about the time has been really refreshing.  I typically have a VERY full schedule. This Sabbatical has been so refreshing. No schedule is pretty nice!!!

Not all areas in the country have “Lightning Bugs” (some regions call them “Fire Flies”).  Around here, they are Lightning Bugs.  I couldn’t help but to think that this little fella is gloriously and beautifully created!  If you’ve never watched a summer sunset being sprinkled with the beauty of a Lightning Bug filled sky, then you really need to put that on your bucket list.  It’s pretty amazing actually to witness thousands of small (and harmless) bugs illuminate the sky…..a second at a time.   How can we apply this to our lives?  I have to ask myself, “Do I “light up” the room when I enter?  Do I “beautify” my surroundings? Do I bring light into the darkness?”…..I sure try.  Today was super!  On to another day!!  Here is a picture of a Lightning Bug.  You’ll have to see for yourself the beauty of them glowing at night!