What an amazing 30 days!!!

My last day of sabbatical was yesterday, June 30th.  Today, I’ve had some time to reflect on the past 30 days and they were AMAZING!  During the last week of my sabbatical, there were 33 Welch family members who reunited at North Myrtle Beach in SC.  Sounds like a big crowd but it was our smallest gathering in nearly 20 years.  However, it gave me some quality time with sisters, cousins, uncle & aunt, Dad, stepmother and of course, my wife & kids.  Lots of fun, sun, and a big Welch family devotion on Sunday morning which was one of the highlights of the trip.  All of the children under 12 performed a play out of the Bible.  Very sweet and entertaining!

As I think back on the early days of the month until now, my heart swells with gratitude.  People all around me are speechless when I tell them about the opportunity that my company gives its employees.  I want to thank Kris Seale and all the executives who allow the employees of this great, Christian company to spend 30 consecutive days solely focused on our mind, body, and soul.  My mind is strengthened, my body is rested, and my spiritual relationship with the Lord is solid.  THANK YOU!!!