Being at Peace…

First of all, I am very grateful to work for such a great company that allowed me to take a Sabbatical and take time to rest and renew.  I went back to work this past Friday and was very happy to see all my peeps. I sure do love them all! 😍 Here is my last post to blog.

For my service work, my kids and I went to Love and Care Ministries and helped in “His clothing”. That’s where all donations are received and clothing is separated.  They have a warehouse full of bags that they call “the mountain” and it’s literally a mountain of bags with clothing that need to be sorted through, separated and hung up to have ready to be put out for people that go in to get clothing either for themselves or for their family.  They can also take a shower there and receive a change of clothes.  Everyone there was so nice and happy that we were there helping.

The most amazing part was when we were invited to prayer the next morning. So before starting work the next morning, we went to “His Quiet Place”.  Workers and volunteers were there for some quiet time with my Jesus.  We walked in and music was on softly playing, the lights were dim and it felt very peaceful.  Then for a couple of seconds they stop the music and the next song that came on was “Flawless” by Mercy Me now this song is very special to me and let me tell you why.  When I first started getting to know my Jesus, I was having a difficult time believing that my Jesus could actually forgive my sins. I felt like I had failed Him and there was no way I could ever be close to Him because of my sins.  Then one day I was washing dishes and listening to music on youtube and this song came on and I quickly stopped what I was doing, listened to it, replayed it again (by this time I was shaking) and when the song was over I just dropped to my knees and cried.  At that moment I realized that my Jesus does love me unconditionally and does forgive me and that He will always be there for me….now  fast forward to the present. The past couple of months I had been stressing and feeling like I haven’t been doing enough and trying to catch up with everyday life. So when my song came on that day, my Jesus was there letting me know that I am exactly where He wants me to be and that I am doing exactly what He wants me to do and to keep going.  It was such an incredible moment that I still get emotional just thinking about it!

After that I went to Dallas to spend some time with my mom and sister.  I came back home, rested, and spent quality time with my kiddos before going back to work.  I am so thankful to have been able to spend time with my family and it has also been an amazing experience that has taught me to slow down and enjoy every single day and to slow down and spend time with my Jesus in prayer.

And so here’s another song I would like to share with you all, “Hard Love” by NeedToBreathe, I also heard it when I needed it most, hope you all like it as much as I do – 🎶It’s not enough to just feel the flame, You’ve gotta burn your old self away, Hold on tight a little longer, What don’t kill you makes you stronger, Get back up ’cause it’s a hard love🎶

God bless!!