
June 12,2017 I traveled with my mother to San Angelo, Texas to volunteer at the San Angelo Diocese helping her in her office.  We stayed overnight at the Retreat Center.  I was so nice to see how she works to  help others thru the Church.  She helps people who are seeking U.S. citizenship.  I quickly was reminded  that I am blessed to have been born in the to the U.S.  We are very privileged to be here in a country with freedom to be educated, choose our careers, and have a right to access to healthcare.  My mothers only Brother who passed last year was a Colonel in the Army. He taught me responsibility, dedication, and accountability. I will take what he taught me and pass it to my children.   I am thankful and will never take Freedom for granted.  If you know or have anyone who has served in our military or armed forces please take the time to thank them for what they do. It is because of them that we live in a free Nation.   I am so thankful for all the service men who have served in the U.S. Forces and made it  possible for me to live in a country where I have the right to choose my religion, obtain education, receive access to healthcare and be a part of making decisions by voting.  I am thankful to be a U.S. Citizen and live in the USA!