Sabbatical Week 4 Wrap-Up

The last week of my sabbatical can be best described as restful, peaceful, and full of joy. Garrett and I spent some time with our friend Tripp and his daughter Tara. Garrett and I got to have some much needed socializing in and Tara and Odin got to play with each other. I took some pictures of the two little boogers with Snapchat filter, which made them even more adorable.

I also got spend some time with my great friend, Jaclyn, on her birthday. We had not seen each other in several months since she lives in Dallas and it was great to see her and catch up.

I wrapped up my sabbatical readings, The 360 Degree Leader and the Just Like Jesus Devotional. Both had a lot of powerful insights that I hope to apply in my life. I’m not perfect but I hope to bring what I learned from these books into daily activities.

I also finished my application to the MBA program at Strayer University and applied for several scholarships.

In wedding news, our rings came in the mail. And yes, my ring is a Wonder Woman ring. I will be Mrs. Robertson in just one week.  It was on March 1, 2013 that my life changed forever. Garrett and I had our first date and I knew then that this was the guy I wanted.

This sabbatical has been such a blessing and has opened my eyes to what is important in my life. I pray that continue to bring what I have learned during this time with me every day.