Appreciating Gods Creations

June 16th my family traveled to Florida and stayed at the beach. The drive was 14 hours long.   We started the morning off with prayer and as we traveled observing Gods creations and it was so incredible to for our family to see the tall trees, the greenery, and the plantations along the way.  We drove thru Lousiana, Missisippi, Alabama, and then finally Florida.  The fields of crops were just amazing.  I love garden fresh vegetables and it was a privilege to see the hundreds of acres of  natural grown, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, zucchini, Gigantic watermelons, blue berries, cantaloupe and every fruit or vegetable imaginable that are so healthy and nourishing made for our bodies.  There were several fresh farmers markets along the side of the interstate.  As we passed these areas I couldn’t help but think WOW God has really provided for the perfect environment for growth of fruits and vegetables and without these we would parish!  It humbles me to think the farmers have put in hard work and endless hours of labor for me to enjoy this orange I hold in my hand.  This reminds me that God provides for thousands every day and I have taken it for granted!  I have a refreshed out look on being thankful for Gods creations, which starts with the air that feeds the plants ,the soil that nourishes the seed,  the rain that makes the plant grow, the climate for the plants to grow vegetation, and the people who maintain the crops who make it possible for me to eat to sustain life.  Not such a simple process that I have taken for granted.  So convenient going to the supermarket and picking out that perfect fruit that I miss the concept of how that piece of fruit or vegetable got there! Mathew 14:13-21 speaks of Jesus performing the miracle when he provided food the crowd of followers with only a few loafs of bread and two fish.  God provides and continues to provide daily with the fruits and vegetables that nourish my body and I am humbled and thankful.