Final Day

I would like to start off by Thanking God for the opportunities he places before us daily that we do not see or want to see.  This is my 2nd Sabbatical and time off is worth every penny.   Never ever thought I would leave Texas but I finally made it out of Abilene and to my new home and a very loving husband.   I do love it here…not sure still about living in town but I will get use to it.

Resting has played a big part this time for me, I have never watched more TV in my life than I have over the last 30 days just laying around catching up on all the TV shows I have missed out on.  Normally, I go through spirts where I want to read and can’t get enough then I don’t want to read for months.  I was really not in the reading mood but picked up the power of humility and began reading and would find I had read several chapters before I would put it down.   After reading this book, the power of humility I would love to hand it out to certain people (not work family but others on the outside)…although I look back upon the reading and realize I needed that myself there were a few chapters that kinda hurt and sure makes you stop and think about how you need to change your way of life or way of thinking.  Our 6 days working for the Salvation Army has really opened our eyes and hearts to the work they do for our school aged children as well as the homeless.  We plan to continue to work for them as we can…we did have a great praise come out of it all…Abby’s dad (Sandy) finally got a job and he was pretty excited. We saw him on Friday (our last day) he was tired because he works the 11pm shift and got up to bring Abby to eat so that she gets a meal and he told us all about his new job.  I could tell he was relieved to finally get some decent income that will soon be coming to him and his family. One day after cleaning up to leave a donation of eggs was brought in and as they were deciding what needing to be done the refrigerators where completely full with no place for the over abundance of eggs…I walked to the kitchen to ask what I could do and they had decided to freeze the eggs, what how in the world do you freeze eggs…well you crack them and whip (like your going to scramble them) and put into a baggie in the freeze and they can be frozen for up to 6 months.  Jeff counted and I believe we had somewhere around 60 dozen eggs.  We stayed to get this done so that the workers could continue on with their day.  Donate or give to the Salvation Army everything they do is incredible for our homeless and children.

Relaxing at the pool for several hours daily with hardly anyone around made for a wonderful time to enjoy the beauty God places before us each and every day and quiet time to spend reflecting on all that He has done for us. God placed Jeff and his family in my life 4 years ago and what a true blessing they have been.  I struggled one day and cried most all day missing my kids more than anything, Jeff left me alone to paint and cry just needed to let it all go.  I am ready to see my kids thank goodness for face time although it is not quite the same but it will do.  Kaylee is doing great she has already been to orientation and gotten her schedule put together for fall semester, I am very proud of her. Dillon is working hard every day but is starting his vacation  this weekend by taking a week long cruise with friends.

Honestly, I am ready to get back to work, I have enjoyed my time off with Jeff and all that we were able to do together.  There are never enough words to say Thank you but  Thank you Kris and board for allowing each of us to take this wonderful opportunity to get back on track.