No way it’s been 30 days already

I guess the old saying is true “Time flies when you are on Sabbatical”.

The final 10 days.  Melissa and I finished our service project and said goodbye to everyone at the Salvation Army, at least for now.  It was an eye opening experience for me to learn just how many people in my community need the assistance that is provided by the Salvation Army as well as others.  I was impressed with the level of care that is provided on a daily basis for those who need it.  It was a blessing to be able to do what we could and get to know some of the families who came every day for the lunch we provided.  The only time it felt like work was the day that an unexpected delivery of donated eggs arrived just as we finished cleaning up and were leaving.  They cook breakfast for 60-100 every Sunday prior to their church service which would mean eggs for several weeks.  We volunteered to put them away but found there was no room in the refrigerator for 60 dozen eggs.  After some brainstorming with the staff and a google search, we learned that if we cracked and scrambled them, and put them in the freezer, they would last up to six months.  So, for the next two hours Melissa and I did just that and filled a freezer with 720 eggs, two dozen at a time in ziplock bags.  Needless to say, we won’t be cooking eggs for a while.

We spent more time at the pool relaxing,  went out to dinner with friends, went to a movie, and enjoyed the 4th at a cookout with my family.  We pretty much just spent our time together doing as little as possible, trying to avoid anything that would be classified as physical labor for the last few days before heading back into the real world.  I finished my book “Wild at Heart”.  It was a different and interesting look at how God created us for adventure.  The quote from John Eldredge that sums it up for me is “Life is not a problem to be solved, it is an adventure to be lived”.

Hard to believe it’s over. As of 7:30 am tomorrow I am back in work mode with my East Region (BMR) team monthly skype.  After that it’s the task of sorting thru a ridiculous number of emails and making phone calls to as many customers as possible in my one day back before flying to Abilene on Monday. It’s going to be difficult to flip the switch back to work mode after 30 days of occupying my mind and my time with so many things other than my job.  I look forward to getting back to the work God has called me to do, and the daily conversations I have with my customers and everyone I work with.  I will however, miss spending all day everyday with Melissa.  Not many couples get to spend their first 30 days of living together in the way we were blessed to experience it.  I will always be grateful to work for a company that made that possible.  Thanks Kris