Quiet Beginnings

Today was Day One of my sabbatical. First I just want to express my appreciation to work for a company that would allow me this opportunity. It’s truly incredible, and I’m so looking forward to the next 30 days!

Starting Out

Kimba and I enjoyed the beautiful morning!

I started my first day off with a walk down my street where I took time to allow God to speak to me about what he wants to do in me during this time. My biggest impression today was that these next few weeks are very different from a vacation. For me, when I’m on a vacation, I spend my time mostly passively; my main goal is to kind of escape my normal routine and thought patterns and block it all out. But then I go back to work and life just resumes as usual.

What I feel God wants to do with my sabbatical, by contrast, is to speak very purposefully into my life, so that when I go back to my regular routine a few weeks from now, my “normal” actually looks different. I’m hoping that during this time, God will give me a fresh sense of identity and purpose as well as fill me up emotionally and spiritually so I can pour back out into others.

Heading Off

Despite all this, what’s really at the forefront of my mind is that this time tomorrow I’ll be on a plane headed for Kenya! Laura and I are going with our church to Kenya to work with a missionary family who moved there from Abilene. We haven’t even left yet and this trip has already been eventful, so please be praying for our team as we go. Internet access will be hard to come by, but I’ll be sure to take lots of pictures and post when I get back on the 15th!


I hate to disappoint, no balls of fun this time around; but someone secret hid a prize that’s waiting to be found. You’ll need to find out who he is if you’re hoping to succeed; he’s left some clues for how to reach him, for without him your search will be tough indeed. He keeps quite the tight schedule, so he’ll have to fit you in; but if you know just what to tell him, his answers will begin..