Halfway through!

Hello all!

Currently writing this on my iPhone sitting on a bench I found while on a hike. Not trying to make you too jealous but sitting under 100ft tall pine trees with sunny 74 degree weather  surrounded by the beauty of God’s creation here in Black Diamond Washington, just outside of Seattle. I’m doing some volunteer work with an organization I’ve worked a couple of summers for in college that runs outdoor adventure camps. They recently bought this camp and summer is in full swing with campers and all the excitement that they bring. Busted out my chacos and nalgene and trying my best to blend in, but have to say it’s getting harder to distinguish between the campers and the college counselors (hard to believe it’s already been 6 years since college!). They are admittedly short handed so I’ve been jumping in and helping in all kinds of capacities. The camps mission statement is to inspire Christlike change through outdoor adventure, biblical truths, and authentic relationships. I love the summer camp culture that challanges your comfort zone, pulls you out of the digital world and into the moment. Being out here and having some intentional quiet time has really opened my eyes to how much I’ve made an effort to make my life so busy back home that it’s hard to just “be” at times without the feeling of being “lazy.” That’s obviously not God intends you to feel about rest as demonstrated in Isaiah 30:15 that states “in returning to me and and resting in me you shall be saved; in quietness and trust shall be your strength.” Only took me a couple weeks to start understanding rest a little more đŸ™‚

Ill be here the rest of this week then renting a car and driving up to whistler to do some mountain biking for a couple days so pray I don’t come home with any broken bones!

Until next time,
