2nd blog

My laptop doesn’t like my internet very well so writing it up in word and next time they talk to each other I will post what I have……. When we got back from our trip I just kinda went kaput.  I did my reading, which was ironically about separating yourself so you can refresh and not become confused between right and wrong.  After a week of that it was ok lady get it in gear.  So I started my blog, got some paperwork finished up, took 2 loads of things to salvation army and a bunch of other errands I had been putting off. We drove to Dallas Friday and got a few good deals.  I always like the drive, its peaceful, reminds of my grandpa and the drives we would go on.  It’ the best time to reflect on the things I am reading, dealing with and just have quiet.  At home, with 4 dogs 3 kids and a cat it’s hard to have quiet time.