The First Week

The first week of my sabbatical was both relaxing and productive. I was able to enjoy some much needed quality time with my son as well as get some projects started/finished that I have been putting off for some time. The big project I was able to finish this week was putting up a small shed in my back yard for my lawn equipment. I was able to start my service project this Saturday as well, volunteering at Habit for Humanity along with a few coworkers. This week the goal was to set up the roof trusses for the house which is a difficult process as you need to organize them in the right order then get them on top of the house while balancing on the frame. It was interesting seeing a group of people who don’t really know each other at the beginning able to come together to help build a home for a family.

The biggest adjustment for me as my sabbatical has started is that while I get a break, my wife still has to work and keep her normal routine, making it almost feel like everyone is moving around me while I get the chance to take a breather. My wife has joined me in my daily devotional (Proverbs), which has made it much easier to keep up with and has brought us closer together with God.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.” ~Proverbs 3:5