Costa Rica Mission Trip

What an awesome time I had last week in Costa Rica. God showed up and worked in so many lives. Especially mine. I had been preparing for this trip a whole year but didn’t really start preparing until about a month before we left. I began to realize I was not seeking him in my preparation. Once that started, amazing things started happening in my life. A month before I was to leave I began a book study called the “Armor of God”.  This book changed my life in so many ways. You see, satan did not want me on this trip. He tried everything to get me down. This book taught me how to fight against that and allow God to work.

On this trip there were returning missionaries and  translators along with first time missionaries and translators. I was a first timer!!  We served with 6 pastors and their churches. Our purpose was the evangelize and share the gospel. Seeds were planted, souls saved and small group Bible studies were formed.  Here are some of the statistics:

556 heard the Gospel/plan of salvation

298 professions of Faith

159 locals attending Bible Studies

What an amazing week we had. We were able to see several people lead their very first person to Christ. I was one of those people. Words cannot express the feeling I had when that occurred.  His name was Roger. As I shared the gospel with him I could see a change in his face.  The most exciting thing though was the smile on his face after we said the prayer of salvation. I walked away jumping with joy!!!  It was amazing.  The rest of my week went just like that, jumping for joy.  I have so many stories to share but the one that is closest to my heart is about a young man named Jose. Before I left for my trip I bought a bracelet with “Armor of God” on it. I had just finished my book study and I thought God specifically led me to this bracelet in the store. I would wear it the whole week for protection. On Monday we began our evangelism. Jose was a member of one of the churches we were helping this day. He walked up to me and said, your bracelet is beautiful. I said thank you and told him about my book study and we read the scriptures. As the evening went on I thought about giving it to him.  I was struggling though because it was special to me. I thought God gave it to me for a reason. I prayed about it and God spoke to me. Give it to him. So, the next day I did. Before I could give it to him he told me this.  He said when I walked into the church he was drawn to me and this bracelet. So he asked me about it. When we read the scriptures it was just what he was needing to hear. So, I looked at him. Took off my bracelet and placed it on his arm. He was so excited. We then began to read the scriptures again and I explained what each piece of armor stood for. It was such a special moment. You see, what I thought God meant for my protection was really meant for Jose. As I left him that evening he asked me out of all the scriptures in the Bible, which one would I give him to keep with him. I did not hesitate, 2 Thessalonians 3:3 “But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one”.  This verse has been my lifeline for about two months now. I know now why it has.

I could go on and on about my week. I met and served along some wonderful and amazing people. I was blessed to go on this trip with one of my closest friends and experience with her what God did for both of our lives.  Something I will never forget. The most important thing I have learned from all of this was, when you put God first in your life, live your life according to his will, he will bless you in so many ways.  God is good all the time, all the time God is good!!!