We Still Do!

Last week was a week to celebrate 25 years of marriage! Gary and I started dating in January 1989, I was a Junior and he was a Senior. As much as we were “in love” at that time, we never really imagined we would truly be so deeply IN LOVE 25 years later!  After our anniversary trip to Jamaica I came home and prepared for an anniversary celebration with family and friends! It was a truly blessing to have so many friends and family come to celebrate us!

One of the things I pray for most is that our children see the example that Gary and I are doing our best to give them. Marriage is a lot of work, but the great times outweigh the hard times. Most of all, being married to someone that makes you a better person is so very worth the investment!

This week is a week ALL ABOUT ME! Yup! Time to be selfish for a few days. Gary is at work, the kids are in school, so I’m going to do what I want to do and everything else will be there when I decide to do it….or until someone else gives in and decides to wash the dishes!