Week 4 Bitter Sweet

Others who did their Sabbatical before me said that 30 days goes by fast and I thought nah but it sure did! It is hard to believe that tomorrow September 3rd is my last Sabbatical day off. As I look back on everything I have done during my time off I would not have changed a thing. I found a new organization that I can volunteer for, I would not have thought about trying to have my parents go back to church and the Bible study my wife and I are doing.

Those who have read the first week of my blog may be wondering about my parents since it was the main mission of my Sabbatical. Well, that is the bitter sweet of this all. Following up with my parents, my dad went to church last Sunday for the first time in over 30 years! My mom stayed home and watched one of those televangelist shows. Now, not the greatest for my mom, but it’s a start. My dad said he is going to try a different Baptist Church tomorrow and compare to the one he went to last week. I will continue to call them each week and see what I can do to keep this momentum going.

My family and I took a mini vacation down to Canyon Lake Texas. It has been beautiful weather down here so far and everything worked out as for hurricane Harvey. Having said this, down here the gas prices have sky rocketed and they are running out of gas since people decided to panic over gas shortages. That has made me upset since I had to go and wait inline for over 30 minutes and pay an outrages price for no reason! The only reason I went and did this is to make sure we will have gas to make our trip back to Abilene since some gas stations we went to were already out of gas.

Here are some of the pictures that we have done so far on our vacation:

We stayed at Yogi Bear’s Water Park

Brooke and Hunter jumping on the “jumping pillow” at Yogi Bear’s

Digging for fossils at Heritage Museum

Dinosaur tracks at Heritage Museum

Checking out Canyon Lake. Beautiful crystal clear lake!

Lindsey and I at Canyon Lake