Meals on Wheels and Rest

I have recently returned from a relaxing mini Sabbatical.

The first week, I was able to volunteer with Meals on Wheels.  I have always enjoyed helping out with such a great organization.  The people I visited with were so nice and appreciative of the meal.

My first day, I thought I needed to make a dent with some much-needed cleaning.  I took all my treasures (junk) out of my closet to go through.  I quickly convinced myself to rethink that decision.  My precious junk could wait.  I put it all back to save for another day.  That day still hasn’t come yet.

My second week, I was able to deliver Meals on Wheels on Tuesday with my daughter, Robin.  And on a few trips to Meals on Wheels, I got to visit with my coworker, Erica, when she was waiting to pick up meals to deliver.

I completely appreciate my time off.  During the two weeks, I took advantage of nap time, which happened on days ending in “y”.  I was able to take several bike rides after lunch during the week.  And as a special bonus, I had frozen yogurt for lunch one day.  Okay…two days.  Don’t judge me.