No Plan

My sabbatical began so abruptly I didn’t even arrange for a send off.  While I had some ideas as to what I would do nothing was really set in stone except a weekend getaway with Jeff.  The last day of our annual Management Conference, in my mind and my heart, everything came together – I’m to be still and listen.  So I’ve been very intent on slowing down and listening.  I haven’t been in a hurry to go anywhere or do anything and I’ve been focusing on counting my blessings and boy do I have a lot of them to count!

One of my many blessings is my husband Jeff.  I realized that I’ve really neglected our relationship so first on the agenda was spending quality time with no distractions.  We took a few days away from the real world and went to Las Vegas!  We slept late – no alarms to set and we just enjoyed each other’s company.  My favorite thing in Vegas is the shows so we went to see Bruno Mars and Michael Jackson One By Cirque Du Soleil.   My favorite was Bruno Mars.  What a fantastic performance – we were on our feet the whole time.  We ate some great food, shopped (okay my second favorite thing in Vegas is the shows) and laid by the pool.   Jeff is always so supportive of me and telling be how proud he is of me and I realized that I don’t tell him often enough how proud I am of him.  He has really done a remarkable job with the Skatin Place – he loves the kids and the fact that we can provide a safe environment for them on the weekends.  He is loving and kind and would do anything for a friend.

It’s hard to be away from FD – not just because I love my job but I love what we stand for and I love the people.  That’s why I had to come to the warehouse to help pack the backpacks going to Houston.  I realized how much I already missed everyone.  I watched the others at work and I got really emotional – we have such wonderful people at FD!  Another huge blessing in my life!

Today I’m going to meet Pat Baxter for lunch.  I’m anxious to hear all about retired life.  I know Pat realizes how hard it is to be away for our company – she was in the warehouse yesterday too!  Sunday I leave for Wichita, KS to spend a week with my mother.  She is going through her 3rd bought of cancer and I’ve really been concerned for her.  My sister will join me for a few days so it will be really great to spend time with both of them.