Slowing down a problem again

Being a sabbatical “veteran” I had some idea of what to expect from the first week. Last time it took me about a week or so to get my mind to slow down to a more relaxed and even contemplative state. I told myself that, knowing that, I would see if I couldn’t speed up the relaxation process this time. Didn’t happen. My first week seemed to be as hectic as any other week. I found myself wondering how I ever have time to work full time. Of course, seven years ago I didn’t have four grandchildren. That makes a big difference in how my time is spent.

I entered my sabbatical with a list of twelve things I wanted to accomplish during that time (probably a mistake). These are things that have kind of been on the back burner awaiting “a round tuit”. You know, I’ll do that when I get around to it. So far, I have only partially done two of them. So, I think I’ve adjusted my expectations. I’ve decided I won’t put pressure on myself to get a certain number done, just what naturally flows. In the second week I have a service project at the St. Vincent de Paul service center. This will be a good change of pace, but does cut into time available to do things on my list. I’m already thinking I could use two sabbaticals.