Still working on it

I’m still “working” toward getting to the point where things slow down for me. Maybe “working” is the problem. I’ve already discovered that having an extensive list of things to try to accomplish while on sabbatical is not a good idea. Yet, the list is there and I’m “working” on it. There’s that word again. I do feel like I have had the physical rest and rejuvenation part, just not as much on the mental part. This weekend we leave for a cruise from Boston to Montreal. This will take me away from my list and from most other distractions (e.g. grandkids), so I’m hoping for and expecting some mental relaxation.

Last week I did a service project at the St. Vincent de Paul service center. This center serves the homeless, and currently serves refugees from hurricane Harvey. My expectation going in was that I would be working in the intake area for homeless. It turned out that what they really needed me to do was help stock the food pantry because of all the donations of food for the refugees by the local parishes. So, I spent a few hours a day moving food items from a shopping cart to the pantry shelves. This was not what I was intending to do for a service project, but, hey, service is not about me. As you might expect, this was a little bit tedious and boring, so I had to keep telling myself that what I was doing was benefitting people less fortunate than me in their life situations. Since the food donations actually exceeded the available shelf space (eventually), there was a little bit of creativity involved in figuring out how to arrange each of the different areas of the pantry to hold more food. That helped with the boredom part. It would be a stretch to say that I felt incredibly fulfilled by this service work, but I do see it as service work helping those who need help. In that respect I feel a sense of fulfillment.

This Friday we are off to Boston, and I’m looking forward to a further change of pace and some true relaxation.