First week

WOW! The first week of my sabbatical really flew by!  The first day, I attended the wedding of my best friend’s daughter.   It was beautiful and emotional. Such a blessing to see the beginning for a sweet young couple.

The rest of week one had me busy finishing chores in preparation for our oldest son’s wedding.  More about that in my next blog.

I certainly got plenty of exercise going up and down the steps to our basement! I logged over 10,000 steps everyday last week!

My daily devotional is Trusting God Day by Day by Joyce Meyer.  On Friday, she asked this question: in what areas of your life does your mind need to be renewed?  I can really feel Him working with me during this time to spend time resting and renewing my mind….I guess this is exactly the right time for me to take my sabbatical.  I kind of struggled with that just before I left. 🙂

I miss my work family but I am feeling good about having this time off and so thankful for the opportunity!