Ready, Set, – Rest?

Week 2

Last weekend I spent the weekend with a few guys from work, Ben and Steven (Kiki) from MIS. We went to Austin to celebrate Ben’s bachelor party. I typically spend most of my weekends either at the lake, ranch or with family. Austin was a whole new world to me. It also didn’t help that it was the “Pecan Festival” I think what they called it which was an art festival downtown. We can just sum up most of the people/environment – weird. Maybe I should stick to small town Abilene.  I had a great weekend with the guys, met some of Ben’s friends from Dallas/Hardin Simmons and got to relax with the guys.

This week has been a change of pace. While the first week I got tons of things done on my todo list, this week I had a sinus infection so I have been moving around the house slower. The weather also has had me stuck indoors so I’ve had a hard time with resting, but it has forced me to do it which I think is God’s plan. He knows if the weather is nice, I can find something to work on, I’d do it.

My service project is moving but moving slow. The company Children’s Grief Connection decide to go with signed the contract early this week (Neon), which means we have the ball moving, but now it is time to organize photos and content for the site. I created a sitemap for Coral and the team at Children’s Grief Connection to show them the current number of pages they have. On the first call, they thought they had 6-8 pages. After running the sitemap, they have 138 pages. You always forget about those pages that are 2 or 3 levels deep. They’ve talked about combining and removing some pages. Neon is going to set up the site with the first 4-6 pages, then I am going to convert as many as I can from their current layout to the new site.

This weekend

This weekend is opening deer season! Wahoo! As I get older, I enjoy deer hunting more and more. I enjoy relaxing with nature and having no outside world distractions. I also have enjoyed listening to audiobooks while I hunt to relax more and pass the time. I also enjoy hunting season because I get to see my dad side of the family, grandparents, uncle and aunt and cousins. During most of the year I might see them once or twice, but during hunting season I will most likely see them every other weekend.

Next week

I still am trying to figure out my plans for next week. One thing that came up last week unplanned is my grandmother will be moving into an assisted living center (Wesley Court) on Tuesday. She currently lives in Fairway and has been widowed for about 5 years and is having trouble take care of the house and herself the last year or so. Being on sabbatical, I can help pack and move something with my mom during the day Tuesday, then when the rest of the family gets off work Tuesday evening we can move furniture.

Wednesday, if all goes as planned, I hope to get back to the ranch to spend some time hunting and relaxing with family. I also have a few projects around the ranch I’d like to work on such as fixing some fence, taking some cows to auction/vet, and other things to help my grandparents out.