Vegas, Daily Devotional and More

First, I just wanted to say how saddened I am about the devastating news from Las Vegas.  My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims, their families and their loved ones.  I will restrain myself from getting on my soap box too much (difficult as it may be), BUT I will say that I am thoroughly disgusted by those who choose to politicize such tragic events instead of just trying to be a comfort to those who are suffering.  As I like to say, “politics” – “poly” from the Latin root word meaning many and “ticks” which are blood sucking parasites.  OK, I’ll step down now.

One thing I’m really enjoying during my time off is having the time to take care of all the things you never have time to do when both spouses work or for single parents…  So far, we have had a gun safe delivered, met the cable company at the house to upgrade some equipment, gone to the AT&T store and reworked our account, met an electrician at our lake house, and soon to meet the DISH people at the lake house to upgrade some equipment.  This to do list has been growing for awhile.  It’s been awesome to finally have the time to take care of this stuff.

I have refrained from writing about my devotional book until I was far enough into it to have an opinion to express.  The book is entitled “God’s Promises”.  It is basically a compilation of biblical scripture.  There is no text other than category headings and Bible verses.  The 1st section defines Jesus and the role he is to play in our lives.  It says, “Jesus is your…”  Every few pages has a different word following this opening phrase.  “Jesus is your Savior” which is then followed by scripture to substantiate it.  The rest of the section works the same way.  After Savior, the rest of the words are “Love, Lord, Peace, Forgiveness, Deliverer, Fellowship, Example, Companion, Brother, Guardian, Security, Sufficiency, Fulfillment, and Everything”.  After each word are a couple of pages of scripture to prove the point.  The 2nd section works the same way.  It says “The Bible is your Infallible Authority, Deed of Inheritance, Guide for Life, Stability, and Strength”.  It seems that the 1st 2 sections use scripture to establish the authority for the role that Jesus and The Bible are to play in our lives.  I have read the 1st 5 1/2 sections so far.  The remainder of the book seems to use scripture to explain how to handle specific situations you may encounter in your life.  The 3rd sections is “What to do when you feel Discouraged, Worried, Lonely, Depressed, Dissatisfied, Condemned, Confused, Tempted, Angry, and Rebellious”.  The 4th section is “What to do when you are Experiencing Fear, Mentally Disturbed, In Need of Courage, In Need of Patience, In Need of Peace, Lukewarm Spiritually, In Grief, and In Doubt About God”.  The rest of the book, or at least the sections I’ve read so far work the same way – giving categories of things you may be going through and providing quite a few Bible verses to help you get through them.  I think “God’s Promises” would be a great reference as a guide to daily living.

I have accomplished most of the things that I set out to accomplish when this journey began.  I have about a week and a half to do the rest.

So until next time, Ciao for now.